Egg freezing

¿Quieres preservar tu fertilidad?

Egg freezing

¿Quieres preservar tu fertilidad?


What is egg vitrification?

Egg freezing or vitrification is a Fertility Preservation Technique that allows frozen eggs to be kept indefinitely since the number of eggs contained in the ovaries is limited. Thanks to it, a woman can preserve fertility with the advantages and the fewest risks that she may have with her current age, regardless of how old she may be in the future. At Amnios in Vitro Project, we are able to offer our patients the latest medical technology, which allows us to achieve the highest success rates, always with a humane and 100% personalized treatment where your well-being and the success of your treatment are the only important thing.
Congelar óvulos

Do you want to preserve your fertility?

At Amnios we offer you an Egg Vitrification service with one year interest free financing.
Congelar óvulos

In which cases is egg freezing recommended?

Any woman can recourse to this fertility preservation technique and request that her eggs be frozen. However, egg vitrification can be especially valid for:

  • Women who over 35 and have no plans to become pregnant in the next 3 or 4 years. As time goes by, the probability of fertilization of the ovules decreases and, on the other hand, the probability that genetic abnormalities appear when fertilized, that the pregnancy ends in an abortion or that the baby has Down’s syndrome increases. Through vitrification of ovules, these probabilities are minimized. By freezing the eggs in their current state, when they are used again in the future, they will have the risks and benefits of a woman of the current age and not the age at which it is decided to use.
  • Women at risk of loss of ovarian function. For example, women with endymetriosis or women diagnosed with autoimmune diseases or cancer who are going to receive treatment, either with chemotherapy or with radiotherapy.

First consultation

Request your free consultation at our clinic in Madrid and we will study your case without commitment

Shall we solve your doubts about egg vitrification?

Egg freezing consists of obtaining the eggs of a woman of childbearing age through the ovulation induction process and keeping them frozen until she decides to use them. The process by which the eggs are frozen is called egg vitrification.

At AMNIOS we offer you a deferred payment system

At Amnios In Vitro Project we offer a deferred payment system for one year without interest. In addition, we have agreements with different banking entities to offer other advantageous forms of financing to our patients. Come to a free consultation at Amnios, where we will inform you of the details of this technique and the different payment and financing methods that we make available to you.

Have you already decided?

Start this unique process from now on, we help you throughout the process so that you feel comfortable and safe.

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