Basic fertility study
En AMNIOS te hacemos un Estudio Básico de Fertilidad en una sola visita
Basic fertility study
En AMNIOS te hacemos un Estudio Básico de Fertilidad en una sola visita
What is infertility?
Infertility, according to the definition of the WHO (World Health Organization) and the ESHRE (European Society for Human Embryology and Reproduction), is “the inability to complete a pregnancy after a reasonable time of sexual intercourse without taking contraceptive measures”.
In women under the age of 3, we must consider that there is a fertility problem if she hasn’t been able to get pregnant after trying for approximately one year. Unfortunately, the female infertility rate has grown in recent years, given that women must increasingly postpone the age at which they can opt for maternity.
First consultation
Request your free consultation at our clinic in Madrid and we will study your case without commitment
Solve your fertility doubts.
Solve your fertility doubts
What does the fertility study consist of?
At Amnios we offer you a basic fertility study in which we analyze, in a single visit, all the basic factors necessary for a pregnancy to occur.
If you have already undergone an In Vitro Fertilization cycle and have not achieved the expected success, do not be discouraged. That first cycle can give us a lot of information about how your ovaries and your eggs are working, and about what happens when eggs and sperm meet.
All this experience can be of great help to improve the procedures of subsequent cycles and improve the chances of pregnancy.
Not your first cycle?
don't give up
Have you already decided?
Start this unique process from now on, we help you throughout the process so that you feel comfortable and safe.