Artificial insemination

¿Buscas un tratamiento de inseminación?

Artificial insemination

¿Buscas un tratamiento de inseminación?


What is artificial insemination?

Artificial Insemination is an Assisted Reproduction Treatment that consists of introducing into the woman’s uterus, at the time of ovulation, a sperm sample, prepared in the laboratory, in which the sperm with the greatest fertilizing capacity have been concentrated with the aim of achieving a pregnancy. It is a very simple Assisted Reproduction technique to perform and without discomfort for the patient, which offers very good success rates. At Amnios in Vitro Project we have the latest technology and an expert medical team, which allows us to offer our patients the maximum guarantees of success in their treatments.
En qué consiste la inseminación artificial

Are you looking for an insemination treatment?

At Amnios we offer you an Artificial Insemination treatment with the latest technology.

Who can benefit from artificial insemination treatment?

With partner's sperm

To decide when Artificial Insemination with the couple’s sperm is the appropriate technique, the first thing that should be done to the couple is a sterility study. In general, it is indicated in the following cases:

  • Couples in which the man has a slightly lower number of useful sperm.
  • Couples in which the woman presents anomalies in her ovulation.
  • Couples in which the woman has an altered or blocked fallopian tube but the other is fine.
  • Couples with sterility of unknown origin: when a conclusive factor causing the lack of pregnancy is not found.

With donor sperm

Artificial Insemination with donor sperm is a necessary technique on the following occasions:
  • Women without a male partner.
  • Couples in which the man presents a serious alteration of the spermatozoa.
  • Couples in which the male has no sperm production.

First consultation

Request your free consultation at our clinic in Madrid and we will study your case without commitment

What is Artificial Insemination?

The Artificial Insemination treatment that we offer at Amnios can be done in a natural cycle or in an induced cycle, regardless of whether the sperm sample comes from the couple themselves or from a donor. In any case, the choice of one or the other method will depend on various factors, such as the age of the woman or the results of the previous fertility study.

Not your first cycle?
don't give up

If you have already undergone an In Vitro Fertilization cycle and have not achieved the expected success, do not be discouraged. That first cycle can give us a lot of information about how your ovaries and your eggs are working, and about what happens when eggs and sperm meet. All this experience can be of great help to improve the procedures of subsequent cycles and improve the chances of pregnancy.

Have you already decided?

Start this unique process from now on, we help you throughout the process so that you feel comfortable and safe.

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